Sunday, August 10, 2014

Weekly Update #1

Okay, so Week 1 is officially finished and it went well. It was not easy to get going but I did everything on the plan. I walked 3 days (2 miles each time was on the plan). Seems I walk about a 17 minute mile which is very slow.  I may add some running in over the next few weeks. Straight walking seems to be harder on my calves than running is.

I went to Yoga 3 times. I went to a few different classes as I try to figure out what makes sense for me. Ideally, since I also want to lose weight, getting cardio in during a yoga class makes sense but there are very few that are easy enough for me to actually participate in but hard enough to give me a workout.  I am lucky to have a few great yogo studios nearby and each offers something a bit different. I am spending these first few weeks figuring out what the difference classes do and which I like for which reasons.

I definitely feel better at the end of this week than I did at the beginning.  I loved the feel of a good workout in a more difficult (for me) yoga class today.  And I've been sleeping a bit better which is always good!

1 comment:

  1. Good for you! Sounds like you are off to a great start. I can't run due to medical problems (can't allow my heart rate to get that high) and I actually miss it! I do enjoy slow walks, though :)

    Good luck meeting your goals this summer and thanks for stopping by my blog on Monday!


    2015 Big Book Summer Challenge
