Sunday, February 26, 2012

10 Things Week 8: Making Cut Out Cookies Should Count as a Workout

Who knew I would actually be on Week 8 of exercise and still have things to say about it?  This week was busy crazy.  I didn't do much other than work, run/walk, bake...It was a great week and I had to get all 3 runs in by Thursday. So I ran, M, T, and Th. It was hard, but doable. I keep being surprised by that doable thing! Here are my 10 thoughts for the week:

1.  Baking cookies should count as a workout. This week, I baked and iced 100+ish cut out cookies and made 50+ cake pops for our conference this weekend. On Monday, I made the cutouts after my run. I was exhausted. I kept wondering if I should have done the cookies first, but then the run would have been excruciating. It seems like cut out cookies should count as a workout. I tried to decide which was more work--running or cut out cookie. Since I am only run/walking 35 minutes, and making the cookies takes hours, I decided cookies are easier for now...

2.  We had our first GUEST POST this week! So fun. The thing I love about blogging while I attempt to run is that I am hearing great stories and things from others. And I loved Jen's story about her first race. She has been running for 7+ years now and it is nice to be reminded that at one point, she had to start.  We would love to have guest posts from Reading Teachers who run. If you'd like to share your story on our blog, please let me know and we'll schedule you for a guest post. It takes a village to keep me running, that's for sure. Thanks, Jen!

3.  I joined Daily Mile, an online social network to track what you read. I guess/I think it is like Goodreads for runners. I am not loving it, but maybe someday I will. I feel like if I am going to do this, it is the behaviors of runners I want to make sure to build in so I don't quit. We'll see how daily mile goes.

4.  I am so not addicted to running. Every day it is a struggle to get started.  Soon, I am hoping to do the run in the morning so I don't have to dread it all day. When I actually get started, I love it. And when I am finished, I am happy...happy. But I am not so addicted that I don't have trouble getting started.

5. I decided on my favorite moment of a run. It is not when I finish, although that is a good moment. It is the moment when I realize I am going to make it to the end. Because when I start, I am never quite sure. I start and the first several minutes are always hard. No matter how slow I go or how good I feel. But somewhere in there, there is this moment when I look at the clock and realize I am going to make it through the run/walk. From that moment on, I LOVE the run. The finishing is nice, but that moment is a little better.

6. Yesterday, I had to be at the high school for the Dublin Literacy Conference at 7 a.m. so I stopped at the grocery store Starbucks at 6:30 to get my daily tea.  Runners were gathering in the parking lot.  It was freezing out. They were bundled up for their run. Then, today, when I pieked up two speakers to drive them to the aiaport at There were Runners in the am, there was a race going on.  Seems that it was THE LAST CHANCE FOR BOSTON race. Again, it was cold and it looked miserable. I know I need to do an outside run sometime soon. It might actually be this week since temps should be high. But it die not look fun to me. Running in the winter in the morning looks miserable to me. Looked more like skiing. UGH. We'll see if that thinking changes.

7. How about this 100 year old runner? Someone who I follow on Twitter shared it.  It made me feel better because sometimes I feel like I am too old to start a new sport. Now I feel okay about it!

8. My treat this week was a new yoga mat--Lululemon's "The Mat". I will get back to Yoga this week and I think this mat will make a big difference. I have been using a Target $12 mat which was fine until I figured out if yoga was something I would commit to. But I think this will make the workout better and more enjoyable.  (Have I mentioned how much I love Lululemon?)

9.  Shakeology and Kellogg Cracker Chips (sea salt) are two of my favorite things. Patrick Allen convinced me to try Shakeology months ago. At first it bothered my stomach and gave me headaches. Now, I have a chocolate Shakeology shake 1-2 times a week and I love them.  I often start my weekend mornings with one.  I had one as an after school snack Thursday before my long run. It is always a better run if I've had Shakeology. I may try to build more of these into my week.  I also am addicted to Kellogg Cracker Chips. I need to stop eating so many but they are great when I need a little bit of salt:-)

10. Woooohooo! I got through February. Ever since I started this 16 week plan in January, I knew February would be hard. I had a trip to Colorado for the CCIRA convention.  And I had a long weekend away for my work with NCTE's Executive Committee. And I had this weekend, busy with the Dublin Literacy Conference. I knew that I would have lot of excuses to quit the routine, but I didn't. I worked through the month. I didn't go to yoga or do as much cross-training as I did in January, but I am on track with my running and ready to add Yoga back in this week.  Pretty much all I did this week was what I had to do and do my run/walk workouts.  Other than that, my husband picked up everything. So glad I got through 3 really busy weeks and kept up:-)

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