Sunday, July 1, 2012

Literacy Coach Jen Allen on Running

I have been on a quest to actually lately enjoy this running thing. As you know if you read this blog, this quest isn't going so well. For some reason, I believed that when I got to the point that I could run a 5K, I would automatically a joyful runner. That I would love going out for a run. When that did not happen, I decided I needed to figure out what people love about running as I try to get better at it.

Many literacy teachers will know Jen Allen, a good friend of mine who is a runner and has been since I've known her.  Jen Allen is a Literacy Coach and the author of BECOMING A LITERACY LEADER and A SENSE OF BELONGING (both published by Stenhouse). She is also a regular contributor to Choice Literacy.

Jen is not only a good friend but she is one of my running heroes. She has a very busy life--addicted to her job..spends lots of time with her family...writes books...cooks healthy and bakes regularly.... spends time with friends....Somehow she fits in running and races (she's run shorter races and marathons).  I asked her to write a bit about her running and her thoughts makes sense to me.  I think her message is a helpful one-especially for those of us just starting to run..those of us waiting for that day when we just fall in love with running.

Jen says....

I have been running since high school. Slow and steady. I run an average of 5 miles a day, 5 days a week.  I have run two marathons... But I hate races and most days really don't like running. Those who know me think I love to run but the truth is most days I hate it.  Most days I wake cursing the treadmill. At 4:30 in the morning running is the last thing I want to do. I would rather sit and drink coffee.  

So why have I sustained running for the last 20+ years? Because after I run I feel good. It makes me feel put together. I know that no matter how my day goes I have accomplished one thing that brings me a sense of peace and contentment... So here I am 20 years later still running and sharing the secret that as a runner.... Most days I don't love it... I just do it!

1 comment:

  1. As a runner for more than 20 years as well, I agree with you, Jen! It's never easy to get up and go running, but it's oh so worth it! It centers me and energizes me for the day. Franki, I second the motion, "Just do it! It's good for you!"

    Love this blog!
