Friday, September 14, 2012

Revisiting My Questions--Did I have a balanced week?

So, I have a bad cold. I look like a toddler with a runny nose.  I feel yucky. Not terrible, just yucky.  This is typical for the beginning of the school year. I have been working hard, as we all have.  So much that needs to be done. I can't seem to let much of it go. I keep telling myself; Another week and then I can rest. Well, the cold is my first bit a proof that the idea of resting later isn't really a great idea. Time to get a little balance and slow down. For everyone's sake.  I realized this week that my kids learn more when I slow down ( I have learned this before but I seem to forget it every fall!)  The same goes for me.

In August, I posted these questions as a way to check in with myself about how I was doing in terms of balance:

Did I exercise 3-6 days per week? (ideally 3 days of running and 3 days of something else.)
Did I do really good work?
Did I have fun? Did I do some things for myself (read a good book, spend time with friends, etc.)
Did I get some non-work things accomplished (laundry, cook dinners, etc.)
Was I organized for the  week?
Did I spend time with my family?
Do I have energy? Did I have enough down time to remain positive?

And here are my answers:

-I did exercise 3-6 days per week. Not 6, but 4. I ran 3 times and walked once. My running was hard and I almost cried on the treadmill because I feel like I have really gone backwards.  I have gained a few pounds back and can't get back into the groove. But I did it. And I signed up for Monday night yoga so the week should get off to a good start.  

-I feel like I did really good work at school this week. Routines are in place. Kids are great. Learning is happening. I am not so ahead but I am not totally behind either.

-Fun? Hmm. I read a bit. I did dinner one night with friends.

-Work at home--not so much. My husband pretty much did 100% of house stuff this week.

-I was organized enough at school. Scrambling to iron clothes, etc. in the mornings.

-I spent a bit of time with family. Not a ton but everyone was busy. This weekend is my daughter's birthday so I'll have a weekend of family time so I will say yes to this one.

-Energy--this is the one I struggled with most this week. Trying to do it all but very tired a lot of the week.  A little drained of energy pretty much all week. This is the piece I'll be working on next. I am hoping with consistent exercise in semi-place, the energy will creep in. Getting 4 days of exercise in during a week when I had lots of meetings and after school things, daughter's birthday, etc. is a plus. I am hoping that becomes routine again.

A better list of questions than I realized. We'll see what next week brings. 

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