Sunday, September 23, 2012

Here We Go Again....

My coffee table on Friday night as I worked on school stuff.

If you have visited my house in the last several weeks, you have seen the piles of papers pretty much everywhere.  (I did manage to hide them for my daughter's birthday party last weekend...). For the first four weeks of school, I have been dragging a teacher wheely-cart back and forth to school. So much to do in terms of Fall Assessments, planning, getting things organized, etc.  Coming back to the classroom after being in the library for 4 years, sometimes it feels like I am starting from scratch.  So I feel like I have been working 24/7.  So this week, I didn't exercise once. I couldn't stand the piles or my TO DO list anymore so I worked nonstop in the evenings and all day Saturday to get things finished and put away.  I needed to get a handle on where kids were and on the units that are coming up. I needed to find books that would match what I was teaching. I needed to think about the routines that were in place and where to go next. I needed to get to the big picture of the year.  So I did  that.

The good news is that the tables in my house are clean. The papers are filed away at school. I still have lots to do but I feel like it is manageable if I do a bit every day.  And I feel like I can move forward.

The bad news is that it is time to get back into a routine again. And I know how un-fun it is when I've been not so good for a bit. I know the next few weeks are going to be hard.

I am signed up for 2 yoga classes at Harbor Yoga. I am also looking at some classes at our Rec Center. I know I need cardio but I also need to be consistent with the strength training.  I need to go back to where I was in the winter--5 days of exercise consistently.  3 cardio and 2-3 strength.

So the next two weeks are about being tough--just doing it even though I am really nervous about it. I am nervous about how hard it is going to be but I am mostly nervous about how tired I will be and how I will get everything else done in my life that needs to get done.  I am nervous about not being at my best for a few weeks until my body gets used to this again.

I have talked to so many teachers who have been inconsistent with their exercise in September. Maybe there is no way around it.  Maybe it is just how things are and we need to know that we pick back up in October. But I don't think so. Because I know other teachers who are somehow training for an October marathon and some who ran races this weekend.  I just haven't figured out how to do it all.

So, here we go again. It feels like I am starting from scratch. Again.

1 comment:

  1. Keep pluggin' away. You will get back into a routine before you know it. :)
