Sunday, October 21, 2012

Starting Over...Kind of....

Flickr by stevendepolo

So, I decided to start back with the C25K App this week. I've been so sporadic with my running over the last 6-8 weeks that when I did run, I didn't have a plan, didn't know what I could/couldn't do, and finished a bit disappointed and/or exhausted.

So, I decided I'd restart a Couch to 5K program. At first, I thought 8 weeks would be too long to stretch it out so I found a 6 week program that had me run/walking about an hour a day.  But when I got to the gym on Monday, it was peak time and I could only sign out a treadmill for 45 minutes. And my iPad with Netflix ready to go, would not fit on the tray on the treadmill that was available. Luckily, I had C25K App already on my computer from other attempts. And my friend CJ had texted earlier that day that she was starting the C25K again that day.  So, I made a quick decision, put my iPad away, pulled up C25K and got started.  I am so glad that I went with this plan instead of the other. It seems a perfect fit for me with where I am runner-wise and where the school year is (parent conferences, etc.).

Yes, I started from scratch again. But not really. Here is what happened:

--A few weeks ago, I was reading one of my running resources -a runner's magazine or something-I don't remember which one.  One of the articles was about coming back to running after some time off.  I was intrigued because I didn't realize there were so many reasons to take time off--injuries, deadlines at work, family obligations, etc. seem to impact all runners. And there are strategies to get back to running. Who knew? It reminded me of the conferences I have with struggling readers who are shocked to know that everyone gets to places in their reading when they don't understand. I really had no idea that real runners had times they didn't run (except for injuries). I figured I was just not cut out to be a runner if i couldn't commit. So that article helped me see that maybe this is just part of being a runner. Sometimes things will get in the way and there are strategies to get back to it.

--The thought of starting from scratch seems silly but here's the thing. Thinking back to January, there was no way I could do C25K. I had to have Tonia create an individual 16-18 week program for me because I was so out of shape.  Now the C25K is easy.

--Because I was too out of shape for the regular C25K program, when I started in January, I had to keep track of time. I had to run 30 seconds, walk 90, etc. Because the app tells me when to run and walk and keeps track of the time for me, it makes a big difference. One less thing to focus on while running. Much more enjoyable.

--I know myself as a runner now and I didn't the first time around.  I know what I need to wear. I know when the best time for me to run is. I know that I feel better after I run. My music is set so that the right songs hit when I need them to. I know how fast to push myself without hating it (thanks to Running for Mortals). I have a community of people who I can count on--some local friends who always cheer me on when they get a text from me announcing my run (thanks guys!) and some Twitter friends who cheer me on from afar every time I tweet out that I ran.  This need to announce my accomplishment is fascinating to me but it seems to work.

--I am learning to "Finish Strong". I realized this week that I never understood that phrase. Finishing was enough for me.  But since this is my second time around, I've learned to pace myself and I have been adding 15ish minutes to the required C25K plan.  Instead of dying out early, I have learned to pace so I can push myself at the end. It took me 10+ months but I understand the phrase now and get why people like to "Finish Strong". A new concept for me, one that I would never have understood had I not started from scratch again.

--I am completing C25K and adding 15 minutes. I am slow, very slow. So what happens is that I get to 30 minutes of straight running and that isn't really close to 3 miles for me like it is for most people. So then the jump is bigger than it is supposed to be. So this time, I am doing C25K but adding 15 minutes so I am going 45 minutes a walk/run session. I am thinking that this way, I'll build the time running but also be building to 45 minutes of straight running.  The other thing it is doing for me is giving me time to see how far I can run at the end of my run. A little less stressful to push myself once the "real" workout is over.

So, here we go with Round 2, kind of. The week was easy and enjoyable actually. I actually kind of enjoyed all 3 of my runs. I am not dreading this week's runs. I actually think starting at the beginning is will be really good for me. I know what to expect. I know myself better. I know strategies for hard weeks and hard days.  I have the right clothes and the right shoes.

This becoming a runner thing is such a process. Not really just about getting to the point where you can run a 5K. A lifestyle change with highs and lows forever I guess. I am starting to understand it better, I hope.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Not So Bad...

So, I have had a pretty sedentary two weeks. And a semi-sedentary two months.  Getting ready for a trip for my Choice Literacy Workshop, finishing up fall assessments, getting ready for parent conferences have pretty much consumed me. I got to the point where I am just okay with taking the time to catch up and keep up at work knowing that once this fall round of work was finished, I could find time for myself again. It's not ideal, and I wish I'd been more disciplined to fit it in, but I didn't. I have been beating myself up over this.  Knowing I can't let this go on much longer but not quite finding the energy to get started again.

This weekend, I ran into an acquaintance who I see once a year. I guess last year when I saw him, I was all about mentally preparing to become a runner. (This means I was telling people I wanted to run and they were listening to me nicely with no expectations that I really would:-)  It was October 2011 and I don't really remember the conversation. But I do remember that somehow me wanting to start running was part of the conversation. This year when we ran into each other, he said, "So, did you ever start running? Last year when we talked, you said you had wanted to and I wondered if you ever did." I hesitated for a minute, because I haven't run in a few weeks and I am always honest (with others and myself about these things.)  But then I realized, he didn't ask me if I ran this week. He didn't ask me if I'd run this month. He asked if I ever started running. And you know what, I did. I could honestly answer yes. I could say, Yes,  I ran consistently for 6-8 months. I could say, I ran two 5Ks. And I could say that when I started, I could only run 30 seconds at a time.

So, looking back at the year since I had this quick conversation about wanting to become a runner, I realized I've made some progress. I am in such a different place, than I was last year at this time--more balanced and more confident about exercise.

So often, I think we beat ourselves up for what we don't do.  We feel guilty for the weeks we don't get exercise in. But yesterday's conversation helped me to realize that I don't really have a reason to beat myself up. I did commit to running. I met lots of goals and in a busy time getting back into the role of a classroom teacher, I haven't run so much. But the hard work has been done and I know I haven't quit.

So, it was a pretty good moment. I was shocked myself that I could  actually say, YES! I HAVE STARTED RUNNING!"  I accomplished more than I realize in the year since I was talking to anyone I could about the fact that I wanted to run. The conversation was a good boost to get me back to some kind of routine this week.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

My Weekly Questions

Did I exercise 3-6 days this week?
Nope. I didn't exercise once. Hmmm.

Did I do really good work?
I feel like I did okay work. Not my best week in the classroom but lots of good stuff.

Did I have fun? Did I do some things for myself?
I finished Gathering Blue, got together with friends on Wednesday, went out with family on Friday and Saturday.  So yes.

Did I get some non-working things accomplished?
I baked a few cookies for the family events.  I did a few loads of laundry.

Was I organized for the week?
I was organized for teaching but was scrambling every day for what to wear, what to take to lunch, etc.

Did I spend time with my family.

Did I have energy? Did I have enough down time to remain positive?
This is my biggest no. My energy was low all week and I could tell from my attitude. I am feeling the impact of not enough exercise.   These things all fall into place better when I make time to eat a little better and to exercise a little more.

I have talked to so many teachers who are struggling with healthy living and balance during the last few weeks.  But there are many others who are managing balance a bit better.  I am inspired by those who are sharing their successes during this crazy time of year.

Hope next week is a little better when it comes to answering these questions!