Friday, March 23, 2012

10 Things Week 12: In Which I Learn That Every Hobby Seems to Have a Vest

This combination of running and blogging seems to work for me. Every so often I think, "Hey, I should be running instead of writing about running." This is a  big problem in my life. For years I have been reading about running and not actually running.  But I think the comfort of writing helps me get through the pain of fitness. So these weekly posts help me. They keep me paying attention through the week and reflecting about my progress.  As with writing across my whole life, this blog is keeping me focused and honest about my fitness goals. It is helping me see things more clearly.  This week was Spring Break. I thought exercise would be easier since I'd have more time, but what I found was that with so much flexibility, it was actually harder for me.  For me the structure of a workweek's schedule keeps me a little more on track. I realized that it is no easier to fit exercise in when I am not working, than when I am working.  Who knew?

1. I received TRAIN LIKE A MOTHER from Amazon this week. So excited that this book has been released! Funny thing--I read RUN LIKE A MOTHER last year, long before I decided to actually run. But I follow this blog (ANOTHER MOTHER RUNNER)  and find these two authors to be a huge inspiration.  This may have actually been the first running blog I started reading regularly. I love the way they introduce readers to moms who run and how and why they do. The whole idea of how to be a mom and balance life is one worth reading.  I am anxious to start this new book from these two smart women this week. It looks like there is a lot of specific info that will help me out, now that I am actually on this running journey.

2. I have started following a blog called THE GREAT FITNESS EXPERIMENT. I love the blog and especially enjoyed the photo she had on her blog post earlier this week.  I laughed out loud.  So me--I can't even begin to imagine how I look when I am running. I try not to think about it or to care. And that seems to work:-)

3. I feel like all I have been doing is exercising. I feel like my whole life revolves around when I can exercise. But when I really look back, that's not true. I have been pretty balanced.  Last year, I read 305 books and I know that this year, I won't have as much time to read if I commit to adding fitness to my daily life.  But when I checked my reading numbers on GOODREADS, I am pretty much at the same place I was last year. So, even though I feel like my whole life is exercising, I am only spending 3-5 hours a week exercising.  It just takes energy to make it a habit so I think that's why I am feeling this.

4. I tried to run and do a yoga class in the same day this week. It was spring break and I was feeling good. I think it was a very bad idea.  Both running and yoga are hard for me and I was totally exhausted for 2 days afterwards. Exhausted in an uncomfortable way.  I think I'll wait a while before I try that again.  Running takes a lot out of me but yoga seems to be even harder in terms of exhausting my body.  I am hoping that I will start sleeping better soon so that my body recovers more easily.

5. I had to get some writing done this week.  I am finishing up a book on minilesson planning but have been stalling on the work I need to do.  I wrote lots on Wednesday, but I didn't get any exercise in on that day.  I felt like I needed a full day to write without worrying about exercise and all that comes with that. Writing requires different energy, different foods, different patterns, different energy.  I can’t figure out how to fit both in one day and I couldn't put the writing off any longer. So I didn’t. I took that as one of my rest days.

6. I am following a runner who is participating in this thing called a 100Moab.  (Her other goal is to run 50 marathons in 50 states--quite the inspiration!)  Since I had no idea what it was, I investigated further. It sounds excruciating.  100 miles of something.  I can't even imagine. But in the process of learning about this Moab thing, I learned that all hobbies seem to have vests. I had no idea.  In the literacy and tech worlds, the ScotteVest is quite the rage. But while reading, I learned about a running vest that seems to be the equivalent of the literacy Scottievest.  It is called the Nathan Hydration Vest.  I can't imagine ever needing one of these, but it is good to know about it, I think.

7.  I read this in our local newspaper this week. A runner is running 31 races over 31 weeks to support cancer awareness. Such a great plan.  He is sharing his story on a blog, The 31 Initiative, taking donations, etc.  I am amazed at what runners do and at the goals they set for amazing causes.

8.  I ordered my first Sparkly Soul Headband. My hair is at a very odd length. Too short in the back to pull up in a ponytail, but too long not to. So I am hoping this headband will work. They are non-slip and they get great reviews from lots of runners. They sound miraculous and they are very very cute! I ordered Pink:-)

9. I continue to find blogs and people who inspire me. I did not have a great week in terms of confidence. I should be thrilled-I am running 20 out of 25 minutes at 4 minute run intervals. I know I am making progress but I still feel like it is really hard and not at all enjoyable. Plus, I have a little bit of a "runner's injury" this week. I think it is inflammation but the top of my foot hurts when I put weight on it. I am icing, etc. and hoping to get my long run in on Sunday. So, I've been feeling sorry for myself--thinking I'm never going to get to running a 5K. Then, I read FROM FAT TO FINISH LINE and am amazed at the running progress this woman has made in just two years.  When I read her story and saw that she only ran 1 minute on her first day, I felt better. There are days when I think that no one could possibly have started out as slowly as I've started but when I read things like this, I feel that it's doable for me.  I so appreciate everyone sharing their stories. They help keep me going a lot.

10. And since I cannot post without mentioning how much I love Lululemon...I learned a few things this week.  I am not the only one obsessed with Lululemon. 50marathons/50states says, "I tasted the LuluAid and I am obsessed. I am going to have to block their website. I swear I have never seen a company rotate through product so fast in my life."  I have been wondering how my obsession with Lulu happened so fast. The product is easy to fall in love with. Over spring break, I wore Lulu every single day. I was so happy. Then a twitter friend sent a link to this article (Lululemon's Secret Sauce) and I can see why we are all so obsessed.  It is a good product and smart marketing.  I am happy to be addicted to it, actually. 

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