Saturday, March 10, 2012

Week 10: The Week of New Running Shoes!

My new running shoes!

1. I bought new running shoes this week. Mizuno seems to be making colorful shoes this season and I love the color I got. They are happy but not too crazy. I buy running shoes a lot. But I usually buy them before I start running. It was way more fun buying them when I am actually 10 weeks into running. They seemed more real or something. In case you are wondering, these did not count as my 2 week treat. Running shoes are a necessity.

2. I had a really good run on Monday. This week, I increased to running 2 minutes, walking 1 minute. It was a big week for me because running 2 minutes seemed long enough to actually feel like I was running. I wasn't looking at the time every second because 2 minutes is kind of long. And I actually got into a mini-flow which felt good. Monday felt like I was finally really moving in terms of this 16 week plan and that I was getting better at this running thing. But then on Tuesday, I had my first failure. I tried to do my 2nd run of the week outside. I did it on a whim after work. Grabbed a quick snack that wasn't the best choice and went out to run. It seemed warm and I figured I needed to get better at running outside. But it was killer. I hated it from the 2nd minute and by minute 9, I realized I couldn't do it. So, I kind of ran/walked for another 10 minutes and decided not to count it as a run. It was awful. I felt like I was back to square one with exercise--like I had made no progress. But then I read up and I think it is about my pacing. I don't really have any pacing, which is a problem. And thinking about the distance, I think I was running way faster than I am used to. So, it was my first run quit. But I did learn lots and the next day, when I was doing the "real" 2nd run, I was so wishing that I had just stuck it out once I started. So, it was a failure that I learned from.

3. I talked a few people this week that I hadn't talked to in a while. Each asked, "Are you still running?" When I said "yes" they looked shocked. Maybe not shocked, but certainly surprised. I guess I am too. A few said things like, "Wow, you've been doing this a long time." I guess that is true. I think I will always feel like I am just beginning but it felt good to realize that I have done this for 9 weeks and have run 3 times a week every single one of the weeks so far.

4. Daughters tell it like it is. After my outdoor failure, I texted my 21-year old running daughter and told her that I was going to need to find an indoor 5K. She texted back, "Oh, don’t be silly. If you don’t run outside, you don’t really like running. I mean, it’s harder but that’s kinda the point of running." Harsh, but true...(in case of an emergency, I did learn that there are such things as indoor 5Ks but I am not aware of one around here yet.)

5. The Krispy Kreme 5K Challenge is fascinating to me. I love Krispy Kreme and I can see enjoying one or even two if I were in shape enough to run a 5K. But a dozen. UGH!

6. I am amazed at the amount that people run. I say I am going on my "long run" when really I ran/walked only 30 minutes total. Just when I feel like I am making progress, I read a post on See Mom Run Far. She talked about her killer workout and then said, "Now I have two easy days of recovery-paced 10 milers for the weekend, and then another long run on Monday. (I love that a 16 miler isn't even my long run of the week)." Hah! I am pretty sure that will never be me. This mom has 12 kids and still finds time and energy to train for marathons. Made fitting in my 30 minute long runs seem a little easier.

7. I found another post with 26.2 running quotes. I liked them. My favorite quote on the list was this one: "I often hear someone say I’m not a real runner. We are all runners, some just run faster than others. I never met a fake runner." ~ Bart Yasso.  I love this quote. We talk to kids about "fake reading" a lot and I never thought about "fake running". I guess it is hard to pretend you are running. I will have to remember this quote next time I am feeling failure-like.

8. I tried to enjoy the runs this week. To actually find some times when I enjoyed the time I was running, and not only the time I was finished. I did this consciously so during a miserable moment, I decided to shift my focus on my thinking/mind rather than my physical being. I have to say, having a semi-clear mind because of running is a nice feeling. I love the idea of that and I understand it is in part because I am physically wiped out. I can't really enjoy the relaxed mental feeling but I do know that it is there so I will try to enjoy it more.

9.  A few week's ago, a lady was running on the sidewalk and got to a traffic light. The light was green so she had to wait for cars to get through. She became visibly angry that she couldn't continue her run.  Very, very irritated. I remember thinking it was very odd. It isn't often you see angry runners on the road.  But she was mad.  This week, I understood. I was running on the indoor track and was totally exhausted mid-run. Everyone was on my nerves, especially the leisure walkers who were chatting and who didn't even know they were blocking my path.  I usually don't let that bother me.  I get it. I am usually the one in someone else's way and I am usually oblivious to the fact.  I know it isn't anything that people do purposely. But, I was totally annoyed. It wasn't them. I realized I was just totally exhausted and it is easy to become annoyed when you are physically exhausted in the midst of a run. I had a flashback of that angry runner on the sidewalk and realized that she was just spent. Irritated that she couldn't just finish her run. Irritated that we were in her way.

10. I worked on pacing. I was talking to a parent at school who runs. She told me to get 180 BPM songs. I had no idea what she was talking about but checked it out when I got home because she totally knows what she is talking about. And I was also thinking about pacing after my outside running failure of the week. So I read a bit and I am interested in the idea of pacing and the idea of strides per minute. I just run sporadically. When I got my breathing into more of a pattern, it made a difference. This week, after reading a bit about pacing, I worked a bit on pacing. Not in counting strides ( I really can't keep track of one more thing while I run!) but I decided to work at a slower, more even pace for my longer run this week. It made a huge difference I think. I felt more in control and could go a little longer. Makes sense I guess. I will have to think and learn more about this idea. Confession: Music does not really make sense to me. It is a long story but I am not so good at it. When I asked my husband about these 180 BPM songs, he said, "They would help you if you could actually HEAR the beats in music." He might be right.


  1. I love that you are a runner. You can't fake it. Thanks for sharing that quote.

    Also, I just have to share that I really enjoyed my run the other day on the treadmill. I usually don't read because I just cannot do that and run, but I brought along a poetry book since I knew I would run slowly & it would be boring. I thought I could maybe read the short phrases without going nutso trying to focus. It was really great. The beat of my cadence was great with the poetry. I don't think I will do it often, but mixing running with reading was a nice change.

    I do sometimes listen to books on tape for long runs too. Not often, but again, for a change it is nice to bring reading into my run.

    Go Franki!!

  2. When I switched from running on the treadmill to outside, pacing was the hardest thing to get under control. What finally worked for me was counting 1-2-3-4 over and over again. It felt silly at first, but really helped me to find my stride. I am a new reader and can't wait to go back and read some of your old posts!
