Thursday, May 17, 2012

Two Days til 5K

So, I have pretty much lost my desire to do this 5K. Or else I am afraid to actually give it a try.  This is totally in character for me. Once I prove to myself I can do something, I don't need to keep proving it. Or I get bored with the whole idea of it after prepping for so long.  That is when I get bored and quit.  I do this with cleaning (Just when the house is clean, I am too tired and bored to pick up the last few things on the counter.) I do this with writing. (Just when the book is finished, I don't want to do the copyedit or the final chapter. )  This is why I am very seldom successful with exercise.  Don't worry.  I am not going to back out of this 5K.  I want the experience and I am not 100 percent sure I can do it. So, there is that.  The most I have run outside is 2 miles straight. So we'll see. I am shooting for a PR of 45 minutes. Hah! That might be the slowest PR ever hoped for in a 5K.

I ran 2 miles outside today. It is about 70 degrees and I ran right after work. It was a hard run, partly because it was pretty warm. I have no idea how those people ran the Boston Marathon this year.  70 is plenty hot for me to run 2 miles.  I can't imagine the heat for their 26 miles!

Anyway, I have been revisiting TRAIN LIKE A MOTHER and have looked at their tips for the week before Race Day. I think I am set.  As set as I can be.  And I must say, buying the TEAM SPARKLE skirt is really the main reason I am still planning to go on Saturday. It is the one thing that I keep thinking about --my mom bought me the skirt and I talked many friends into getting the skirts too. So, how could I not go to wear it?  And where else could I wear a TEAM SPARKLE skirt? A 5K seems the perfect place for the fashion statement.

So, running clothes are ready.  Team Sparkle skirt is ready. Shakeology is ready to be made.  Playlist is ready. Legs will be shaved. I have studied the course map and planned parking. I know where the closest Starbucks is for after the race.  Tomorrow I will drink lots of water and eat pasta for dinner. TRAIN LIKE A MOTHER says something about JOLT gum but I'll hold off on that for this weekend.  Sisterhood of the Sparkle Skirts as Mary Lee calls us, will meet on Saturday morning before the run. And imagine what I can justfiy buying myself at Lululemon on Sunday if I actually do this!?

My favorite conversation of the week was from my dad (who is very disciplined about exercise but is not a runner.)

Dad: How far do you have to run on Saturday?
Me: 3 miles but I will be last.
Dad: You won't be last.
Me: I'm pretty sure I will be.
Dad: How long do you think it will take you?
Me: 45 minutes.
Dad: NO! People can WALK a mile in 15 minutes. You should be able to run faster than that.
Me: Yes, I know I should. But I can't.  Like I said, I will be last.
Dad: Oh well. That's okay.

Love my dad:-)

Stay tuned for photos on Saturday:-)


  1. Such honest thoughts. So glad you are going and you have your sparkle sisterhood! You can do it!!!! Hugs.

  2. Good morning Franki! Woke up to a glorious thunderstorm in Colorado-- one of those ones where you want to stand on the front porch and watch the lightning. First thing I thought of was you in your sparkle skirt, running your race this morning. Hope it goes really well!
