Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Run 49....

So, today was my first run on my own. By that, I mean that I am no longer on my 16 week couch-5K plan and being coached by Tonia.  The last 48 runs (or walk/runs) have been part of my 16 week-3 times a week plan.  We decided that it would be good for me to run a few months on my own and then move on to another plan. I didn't think this was a big deal but it was very tempting not to run today.  My plan is to run 3-4 times a week for 30-45 minutes each.  Some indoor, some outdoor, some treadmill. But here is what I learned about myself--I like to be working toward a goal and I didn't like the idea of just running today.  For the past 16 weeks, I knew that if I missed a run or cut one short, etc. I would never get to a 5K in 16 weeks. And 16 weeks seemed plenty long to be working on such a small goal. But today, I knew I could run 30 minutes straight. But I also knew I could skip a run or two and still probably run 30 minutes.  This is where I get myself in trouble. I remember this from many diets--I lose 20 pounds and start feeling good so I kind of quit slowly and never get back on track.  I remember doing THIN THIGHS IN 30 DAYS in college and in about 20 days, I noticed a difference in my thighs, so I began to skip days here and there. And I think I am like this as a writer--I hate the work once the big work is finished. I can work for months on a book or something and then when I am really close to finishing --with only bibliography work, etc. I slow down and almost quit.

So, I am thinking hard about this and what it means. I was so shocked today that I was not looking forward to my first run without additional minutes, etc. that I spent the day thinking about my patterns and slowing down once I meet a goal is definitely one of them.

But I ran and the first mile was hard, the second was easier. I felt really good when I was finished.  And I'm glad I ran.  Now, I just need to make this a routine--a part of my life without that comfortable feeling I get when I almost meet a goal....

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